If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:
Installation: Basic installation steps (using OpenIV Package Installer for .oiv files):
Step 0: Install NIBSHDotNet and NIBMods Menu (links on readme)
Step 1: Install the script using the file "1 - Thanos Endgame.oiv"
Step 2: Install the sword model using the file "2 - Sword Setup (Add).oiv" case you want
add the Sword prop model or the file "2.1 - Sword Setup(Replace) .oiv" case you want replace
a game prop model with the Sword prop model (Commonly used when Add props fail)
Ctrl + N - Show mods menu
Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu
In controller:
Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu
Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu
-Left mouse button (Right trigger): Attack with special powers/thrown
-R (Right shoulder) Attack with basic melee attacks/thrown
-R (Right shoulder) when falling: Attack with Power Stone (Ground smash)
-E (Left shoulder): Hold to show power selection or simple press to switch power
-T (DPad right): Open portal for teleport in targeted ground position or
in targeted waypoint indicator
-Q (B): Grab/lift target, hold to grab with telekinesis (Mind stone), press again to release victim
-Ctrl+Q (Y+B): Grab victim by neck
-Hold R/LMB while grabbing by neck: Show the grab by neck finalization mode HUD
-Shift (A): Sprint
-Space (X): Jump
-Delete (DPad left): Delete targeted portal/black hole
-Double click right mouse button (Left trigger): Toggle time freeze On/Off (hold to slow down time temporary)
-For attack buttons: Hold to increase power/keep attack
-Double press Melee or Grab button to teleport to the victim
-Sword attacks are performed pressing R (Melee attack), select the sword in the power selection HUD to equip or unequip the sword
-When sword is equipped and you are running to a victim after pressing R to attack, press Jump button to jump, teleport and make a smash down attack with the sword
You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file or in the Controls mod menu
-Power shoot with Power stone
-Power wave and ground power wave
-Ground smash with Power stone
-Portal creation with Space stone
-Throw meteors with Space and Power stone
-Teleport and throw vehicles against target
-Create black holes with Space stone
-Change Gravity attack
-Catch and throw fire
-Turn things into stone, animals or water with Reality stone
-Grab and throw entities with hands or mind stone
-Control mind and turn victim into a bodyguard
-Telekinesis attacks
-Time slow down with Time stone
-Steal people souls with Soul stone
-Resurrect dead peds
-Infinity melee attack
-Infinity beam attack
-Snap fingers
and more...