Saturday, May 11, 2019

GTA 5 Added peds limit FIX

If you tried to add peds to GTA 5 you may have faced the game crash/game auto close issue when loading story mode, this is what you can try to do to FIX this issue:

Step 1 - Heap limit adjuster

Download and install this mod, its a .ASI script so, you need ASI Loader installed, extract the file to your gta5.exe folder:

Step 2 - Gameconfig

Download this mod
Open the ZIP file
Open the folder "Gta Config v28 for v 1.0.2612" (or the folder with your game patch version)
Open the folder "For Less Mods" (You also can try "For More Mods" but i recommend the other)
Open the folder "Stock Traffic (Means Gta base)" (or anything with text: "Means Gta base")
Extract the file "gameconfig.xml" to your desktop.

Now open the OpenIV app and navigate to: mods\update\update.rpf\common\data

*Important: If you don't have the file in mods folder you should navigate to:
"update\update.rpf\common\data", click in the button "Edit mode" and then click in the indicated button to Copy the file to mods folder. *

Click in the button "Edit mode"
Click in New
Click in Add
Select the gameconfig.xml that we extracted to desktop in previous steps and click in Open

Step 3 - Packet file limit adjuster

Install this mod, extract the files to your gta5.exe folder the same way you did with the files in step 1

Step 4 - ClothStore > PoolSize variable (Watch the guide here)

-Using OpenIV Navigate to mods\update\update.rpf\common\data
-Right click the file gameconfig.xml and click in Edit (Edit mode must be enabled)
-Press Ctrl+F and type "cloth" to search for the ClothStore setting
-Edit the PoolSize value from 60 to 600, click in Save and close OpenIV.

*Special thanks to MTN4456

Step 5 - Removing recent game DLC packs

In addition to increase the number of peds we can add to the game, we can try removing some game DLC packs that adds peds, one example is the Cayo Perico Heist DLC that adds lot of peds, removing that dlc entry line from dlclist.xml will increase max. number of added peds.

To do this right click the file dlclist.xml (that is located in mods\update\update.rpf\common\data), click in Edit and then find the line with "mpheist4" and remove it, then save the file.

You can do the same with other official game DLCs that adds peds like:


Step 6 - Optional

-Case you have update2.rpf in mods/update folder, you must delete it (rename it to update222.rpf instead, to keep as backup), there is no reason to have this file there, unless a mod that you installed uses it, probably not the case.

Done :)

If all goes well now you can run your game with added peds, props and vehicles without issues :)


There is a limit related to how much added peds with "working cape" (Cloth physics) that you can have, numbers close to 5 are already close to the limit and can cause game crash at loading or when trying to use that character for player, it may vary depending on how many added things you have.
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