Today let's play with particle effects, it's simple and give an good look to the script effects.
Download the project here.
As you probably know an particle effect (PTFX) in GTA IV is the effect of bullet impacts, water splash, explosions, fire, water fountain, weapons muzzle, sparks, etc.. They are almost everywhere in the game.
In this video i show some interesting particle effects, take a look :)
To call this effects we can use the following methods:
As you can see we have two types of method, START and TRIGGER, the difference is that START will return an Particle Effect ID, and with this ID we have some control over the PTFX, we can stop the effect when we want for example, or change the particle effect Offset too.
The TRIGGER will only call the particle effect and don't will return any ID, not all particle effects can be used with trigger, some only work with start method.
We use trigger in particle effects that will end automatically, for example to simulate an shoot we can trigger the muz_pistol to make the muzzle effect, i use this effect in Iron Man script to simulate the effect in his boots and hands when he is flying.
Important: If you want restart an PTFX satrted using START method, always stop the previous, otherwise you can create an "bug" in the game and the particle effects don't will work anymore for your script until you reopen the game :(
We have a lot of particle effects to use in this game, so i made an small script to preview this particle effects in game, you can download it here, extract the .net.dll and .txt file into your GTA Scripts folder, to activate the script type the console command "pd" and use the command "pfilter filter_word" to filter the list if you wish:
Another interesting thing about particle effects is that some particle effects has sounds and interact with game physics and pedestrians/vehicles, for example, the ambient_fire_generic will burn any ped that touches it, the fire_chopper_tail will produce fire sound :)
Let's start with the more basic TRIGGER method:
What happens here is that when i press number 0 i will get an position in front of player then call the TRIGGER_PTFX method using that position.
The parameters are:
Easy no? Now let's use one more advanced: TRIGGER_PTFX_ON_PED_BONE:
We are making the player bleed with the PTFX blood_gun_entry_arterial
The parameters are similar:
Basically what is new is the Ped ID and the Ped Bone ID.
Now let's use an START method, i wanna be able to control when it will end:
The PTFX water_carwash_drips never ends.
Here I'm storing the ID returned by START_PTFX_ON_PED_BONE into tmpID variable, an int32 type. As you can see the parameters are just the same type used in TRIGGER_PTFX_ON_PED_BONE.
After 10 seconds i will use the method STOP_PTFX to stop the effect, as parameter we need the ID returned by the start method.
Also we can remove the effect using:
Those methods will remove all PTFX from the ped/object/vehicle.
The EVOLVE_PTFX method will make some changes in the PTFX, i never used this but i can demonstrate the functionality based on SCOCL files :)
Here we call the EVOLVE_PTFX method and use the param "fade" and an float number to reduce the opacity of the smoke effect, 0 = full opacity ~1.8 = no opacity.
The parameters are:
Attribute to change ("fade")
Attribute value (c)
This is the original code from SCOCL:
Easy to read? Never ^^, but very useful.
The UPDATE_PTFX_OFFSETS method will update the offset (or start position) and rotation of the PTFX:
X, Y, Z offset/position (0, 0, c)
Pitch, Yaw, Roll rotation (0, 0, 0)
With this method we can make an spinning PTFX changing one of the last three parameters :)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Let me write here some mod's requests:
Alessio Calandrella
Hi, can u help creating a little script.
The Script must work in this way:
Press Alt+Z to get the ems bag.
The bag will attach to the player.
Hey man, what's up? So I have had an idea of a script on GTA IV for about 4 years now, but no one has seemed to do it or attempt it. I was really wanting to know if somehow or someway it would be possible to make a grab mod. And I don't mean cars, I mean walls, and objects, because it seems possible considering when peds begin to fall off of a ledge, slide down a hill, or etc they try to grab and hang on to the nearest thing they can grip to save their self. But I've wanted a mod that would allow the player to press a key and grab onto a wall at anytime. I have no idea if it can be done, but it's just something I've been wanting on this game for a loonnnggg time, because I always use things like the ragdoll mod to mess around with every time I play because I really do enjoy it more than anything, haha. But yeah, If you could look into something like this, or tell someone else who makes script about it, I would greatly appreciate it! You know, if you don't mind, of course because I would LOVE to see this in the game. :D
Oh and btw, one other thing, is it possible to make all peds drunk? Like all peds around in your area, because that's another thing I've wanted to see too for awhile. I'm just obsessed with Euphoria and ragdoll physics if you can't tell, that's why I love these types of mods, lmfao.
Ok thank you, so, can you make a mod to smoke weed? not a big thing, this mod already exists but with cigarettes, it would be too cool! Smoke with Little Jacob :D
That's all, thank you men
first version done:
I'm looking to change the sound of the cannon (If you don't mind?), I'm trying to make it sound more like the mini gun of an A-10 Warthog, i found this video of the A-10 in action and have become obsessed with making it sound like the real thing: watch?v=R3fL2atX_-0&t=6m25s ,I changed the minigun file in the jetfiles folder but it still makes the shotgun sound when i fire the cannon, which file makes the cannon sound, can you please help??...Best gta mod ever btw!!
hi i have another idea i just saw your particle video and i never knew how much blood effects there were
so my suggestion would be overdone blood
hitting someone makes a big splash of blood with a sound effect
running people over makes blood splash everywhere
could also work for the prototype script i suggested
i think you could do hammer fist and claws
the prototype model by ac amir has all different hands as clothing
i also think you can do ground spike just without the spikes
what do you think could you do it?
If you do a portal gun mod, you are my god
mod being developed by nixolas1
Kovács Péter - Spyke
My idea is a Drag Race mod. Just like as the mod what we could use in san andreas in the past few years simply theres a track for example the airport's street. Two cars one is the player and one is the ped. And they do a drag race the one who finishes first wins.
Sophia Wisher
Anyway I am writing to you to ask for the mod MECHS COMBAT :D
It must be boring for you reading such posts but I just need to write....sorry
Here is a thread I made on the GTA IV MODS
there is model of GEKKO from MGS4
I wonder if you can use it to create a mod of a mech.
I asked few guys to give me their 3d models of mechs
here is the model
here is how it walks
Will you be able to create a mod for the GTA IV based on those Metal Gear Rex or Gekko files? (3d objects)
Based on District 91. Mechs are not supposed to fly (Armored Core does such thing but the whole gameplay will be about flying same like heli) or at least they should have a chance to fly for 3 sec(boost for flying or going forward) to get to the roof then engine should overheat
2. One weapon should be called GRAVITY. You can pull up a guy or a vehicle then aim at your target and throw the thing you were holding.
3. Another weapon should be railgun. Mech takes pose with one arm stretched to the front. Energy, electricity is accumulating. And then it fires. Big laser flies through whole roads. Everything on the roads and pavement is exploding. LONG reloading.It could be fun if during accumulating the weather changes to the rain and there are thunderstorms next to the mechs :DDD Like in Dragon Ball when Goku fought with Freeza hehe
4. Miniguns - routine (just overheat should be attached) Camera shoudl shakes to make gameplay more dramatic.
5. MISSILES :D but mech should stop when using it. We can aim max 10 targets or less in that stopped pose. We press fire. And then there is a view from another camera. We see mech from far (30metres). We look at its front. And missiles are firing from his back.
6.Catapult should be included. When mech dies there is a bloody huge explosion. Like in Air Combat when we drop bombs.
7. Another Missiles which are not able to lock at the target. 1 missile per 2 sec or more so the fight with the enemy won't be too easy.
8. The problem is...when you catapult the Comabt MODE should work so we can steal enemy mech.
9. MEchs should regenerate when kill the enemy.
10. After 10 killed enemies there is a BOSS :D Big huge mech like Metal Gear Rex.
it takes forever to go into menus and choose character and spawn with simple trainer on my laptop.i know many have been experiencing same problem with no numpad keys. can you please make a simple editable script with which we can just input which ped we want to spawn and by press of one button spawn them ? please i have to go through menus and menus to check any ped mods ive been installing.
thank you
Thursday, April 18, 2013
[TUT] Settings file - Saving and loading .INI config info
Today i wanna show how you can load and save configuration in .INI files, this is very useful to set customizable things in your script like Hotkeys, timeouts, offsets, etc..
Download the sample project here, let's use this project as the base for this tutorial.
Let's start with the basic, the basic is the ScriptHook native Settings object. to read data from the script default INI file we can use the following methods:
As you can see we have different types of return, i generally use GetValueString because its easier to handle.
Those methods require some parameters:
OptionName: Set the name of the option in the INI file
Category: Set the category where the option will be
DefaultValue: Set the default value that will be returned when the option don't exists in the INI file
You can skip the Category parameter, but its not good idea.
Remember that the structure of an INI file is something like:
So, to read an string from the INI file we can use:
The same idea with Integers, floats, etc..
As you can see we need to import the System.Text to use the StringBuilder object :)
Also i use an Global string variable (iniFile) to be the INI file name that im using, you can modify the methods to add this as parameter but i prefer to use this way. You must use the entire path to determine the INI file, it can be relative:
Download the sample project here, let's use this project as the base for this tutorial.
- Reading data
Let's start with the basic, the basic is the ScriptHook native Settings object. to read data from the script default INI file we can use the following methods:
As you can see we have different types of return, i generally use GetValueString because its easier to handle.
Those methods require some parameters:
OptionName: Set the name of the option in the INI file
Category: Set the category where the option will be
DefaultValue: Set the default value that will be returned when the option don't exists in the INI file
You can skip the Category parameter, but its not good idea.
Remember that the structure of an INI file is something like:
So, to read an string from the INI file we can use:
The same idea with Integers, floats, etc..
- Writing data
We have only one method to write data in the INI file:
We can use any of the Reading types in this method, the method will detect and write the correct info. The params needed are:
OptionName, Category and the Value that can be one of the types listed in "Reading data" section of this tutorial.
After writing into the INI file we must use the method Save to save the info in the INI file, if the file don't exists it will be automatically created:
The name of the file will be the name of the script file less .net.dll/.vb/.cs part.
In my scripts i always try to maintain all settings available in .INI file without the need of release the mod with the INI file, to do this i always check if the option exists in the INI file, if don't exists i set my default value. to do this i use an method:
This method will try to read an String from the INI, if nothing is found it will set in the INI the default value, then read it again and return the result as String.
To use i call it like this:
We can use this method to read double and integer values too, we just need to convert the result to the desired type:
To read Key value i use another method that will always return an Key:
using it:
The variable must be an Keys type:
- Another way to read and write
When i need to read and write INI file with custom names like i do in Air Combat IV where i need to read ini files that are inside folder Jets and the names are custom (armor_jet_name.ini) i use the following methods:
As you can see we need to import the System.Text to use the StringBuilder object :)
We are using windows API's to read and write data from the INI file.
This method requires that the ini file already exists, so i use this method to confirm the INI file existence before use it:
Also i use an Global string variable (iniFile) to be the INI file name that im using, you can modify the methods to add this as parameter but i prefer to use this way. You must use the entire path to determine the INI file, it can be relative:
iniFile = ".\Scripts\MyCustomINI.ini"
or absolute:
iniFile = "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\Scripts\MyCustomINI.ini"
both works fine :)
Example of use:
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Iron Man IV script mod - Possible problems and possible solutions :)
In this post i wanna show some possible problems that you can have with Iron Man IV script and some possible solutions.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
[Script] Chainsaw for GTA iV
Monday, April 8, 2013
[TUT] Cool "3D" target HUD
Today i wanna show how you can use some game features to create an cool "3D" target HUD to use in your scripts, this is an preview of what I'm talking about:
The idea consists in draw checkpoints/coronas around the target, we will use the native function DRAW_CHECKPOINT to draw the checkpoints.
Download the sample project here, let's use this project as the base for this tutorial.
We will need the following objects to make this code work:
here we will store the possible targets
this will be the interval of the targets search
this object will give offset positions around the target
this is just an variable to help us create an rotation effect for the target HUD, we will increase it and apply to the Y value of the targetAux object rotation
this will set the actual target so we can kid with it :)
When the script loads we should create the object, choose an model with small volume to avoid collisions with other things, we also set this object to be invisible, without collisions and with freezeposition set to true, the wait(500) it's an single delay to avoid script crash at first start, because when game finishes loading the object creation can fail:
Ok, first let's search for the possible targets, in the tick let's check if the timer variable (timeWaitSearchTargets) it's less than zero, then we will reset it to 300 and search for the targets, so each 300 ms we will update the targets list:
Now we will reset the actual target to nothing and run the targets list to see what vehicle is close enough to the aim, we will do it only if user is pressing Aim key and if the targets list exists:
I'm using this method to find the targets.
Now that we have our target we can draw the checkpoint around it:
How it works:
First we set the targetAux object position to player position, you can use current camera position, but the result its almost the same
Then we set the rotation of this object to be the same of the camera
Now we just need to use the method GetOffsetPosition to detect the position around it and based on this we can define the Offset position around the target:
To get the position above the target:
Bellow target:
on the Left:
on the right Right:
Download the sample script here.
Download the sample project here, let's use this project as the base for this tutorial.
We will need the following objects to make this code work:
here we will store the possible targets
this will be the interval of the targets search
this object will give offset positions around the target
this is just an variable to help us create an rotation effect for the target HUD, we will increase it and apply to the Y value of the targetAux object rotation
this will set the actual target so we can kid with it :)
When the script loads we should create the object, choose an model with small volume to avoid collisions with other things, we also set this object to be invisible, without collisions and with freezeposition set to true, the wait(500) it's an single delay to avoid script crash at first start, because when game finishes loading the object creation can fail:
Ok, first let's search for the possible targets, in the tick let's check if the timer variable (timeWaitSearchTargets) it's less than zero, then we will reset it to 300 and search for the targets, so each 300 ms we will update the targets list:
Now we will reset the actual target to nothing and run the targets list to see what vehicle is close enough to the aim, we will do it only if user is pressing Aim key and if the targets list exists:
I'm using this method to find the targets.
Now that we have our target we can draw the checkpoint around it:
How it works:
First we set the targetAux object position to player position, you can use current camera position, but the result its almost the same
Then we set the rotation of this object to be the same of the camera
Now we just need to use the method GetOffsetPosition to detect the position around it and based on this we can define the Offset position around the target:
To get the position above the target:
Bellow target:
on the Left:
on the right Right:
This is an simple idea that works very fine, isn't the best option but works fine :)
You can use lights and coronas too, the result will look better.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
[Script] Iron Man IV - Release post and installation guide
This mod allows you to have some Iron Man features like repulsor beam, cannon and flight :)
Different armors with armor selection menu
Super strength melee attacks (Q and R keys)
Darts for silent kill
Mini rockets with multi target lock (up to 10)
Hand repulsor beam
Chest repulsor beam
Flight ability
Also you can have one Ally to help you and flying enemies
Options Menu:
Number 0 (not numpad0) - Show Options Menu
Left/Right - Switch menu item
Enter - Choose/Toggle menu item
Hold Spacebar (Jump) briefly to toggle Flight Mode ON/OFF
Hold Right Mouse Button (Aim) to aim/Set Targets (Must hold Aim to fire)
Left Mouse Click (Fire) - Fire Weapon
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Switch Weapons
Hold Middle Mouse Button to see Weapon Selection menu, move the mouse to select and release Middle Mouse Button to accept (Crysis Style)
E - Switch to next Weapon
In Flight Mode:
W - Go Forward
S - Go Backward
A/D - Strafe Left/Right
Shift - Go Up
Control - Go Down
B - Hold to be able to rotate camera around player without changing player's rotation
Ground Combat Only:
Q - Powered Kick
R - Powered Uppercut
Xbox 360 Controller
Options Menu:
Hold Left Bumper and Right Bumper together - Show Options Menu
Left/Right on Dpad - Switch menu item
A Button - Choose/Toggle menu item
Hold X Button (Jump) briefly to toggle Flight Mode ON/OFF
Hold Left Trigger (Aim) to aim/Set Targets (Must hold Aim to fire)
Right Trigger - Fire Weapon (Tap for most Weapons, Must hold to fire Minigun)
Dpad Left/Right - Switch Weapons
In Flight Mode:
Left Stick Up - Go Forward
Left Stick Down - Go Backward
Left Stick Left/Right - Strafe Left/Right
Click Left Stick - Go Up
Click Right Stick - Go Down
Ground Combat Only:
Left Bumper - Powered Kick
Right Bumper - Powered Uppercut
Observation for ENB/iCeNhancer users
The repulsor beam effect uses corona to simulate the beam, so the intensity of corona effect must be greater or equal to 2 in enbseries.ini or iceconfig.ini file:
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