Monday, September 28, 2020

GTA 5 Thor script mod (JulioNIB's)

This is the THOR script mod by JulioNIB, inspired in recent movies and comic books, i don't like to create mods that was already made by other modders but people was asking too much for this mod so, i decided to give it a try :)

This video shows the powers in action:

Download (Patreons version)

Download (Free version -

If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:


Special thanks to NaWa for creating a cool Title image for the mod menu :)


This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here

-Install the script: "1 - Thor by JulioNIB.oiv"
-Install the weapons and props: "2 - Thor props (primary option, add).oiv"
(Case added props fail, install the replace props package: "2.1 - Thor props (secondary option, replace).oiv")

Case your game crash at loading story mode, you need to apply this FIX for added peds/props:

Lightning effects quality

You MUST set Shader quality (in game graphics settings) to High (or above) to have good looking lightning effects.

Recommended ped model

The mod goes with suit .ini files for the following ped models: - includes glowing eyes and helmet that can be toggle in game (H)
Also there is many other Thor ped models you can try, search for Thor in gta5mods site


The mod goes with some weapon models made by me, but you can install other weapon models if you wish, case you want install other Storm Breaker weapon model like the one that comes in this pack you must set in the mod Options menu "Using old Storm Breaker model" to False


Case, when using some attacks, you see messages related to error creating/requesting models in game, you probably had issues adding the required props, in this case install the .OIV file "Thor props (replace).oiv" choosing mods folder



Ctrl + N - Show mods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu


Press Ctrl+D0 (the zero close to P key) to see the NIBMods spawn menu

R - Special Attack (Hold to charge)
E - Hold to select special attack
Left Mouse button - Melee attacks (with weapon, hold to charge the melee attack) 
Aim+Left Mouse button - Throw weapon (hammer/storm breaker)
1 - Equip/bring back Hammer (Mjolnir) - Its the number 1, not Numpad 1
2 - Equip/bring back Storm Breaker - Its the number 2, not Numpad 2
3 - Equip/bring back both weapons
Space - Toggle flight, hold to charge fast flight
T - Teleport to targeted entity/coordinates/waypoint
X - Charge energy
For some attacks you can hold Aim to set multiple targets pressing the attack/special attack button
W/S - Increase/Decrease fast flight speed
H - Toggle helmet (Depends on ped model and suit .ini file)

Right trigger - Special attack
B - Melee attacks
X - Toggle flight
Y - Grab target (hold aim to enter vehicle)
Left stick - Charge energy
DPad Left - Hold to show weapon equip menu
DPad Right - Hold to show special attack menu

You can edit the hotkeys using the mod Controls menu in the mod Options

Explore the mod Options menu, there is few customization options there


-Unarmed Melee attacks
-Mjolnir (Hammer) Melee attacks
-Storm Breaker Melee attacks
-Dismemberment attacks
-Charged Melee attacks
-Charged fast flight (Throw hammer)
-Charge energy feature
-Auto charge energy in Rain/Thunderstorm weather
-Auto charge energy when using melee attacks
-Energy effects in body and weapon
-Auto healing
-Grab targets feature (enabled for peds only by default)
-Possibility to use Mjolnir and Storm Breaker at same time
-Throw weapon attacks
-Multiple target system for some attacks (Hold aim +click attack/special attack button, then release Aim to attack)
-Animated HUD with energy and health bar, also melee mode indicator (Fists, Mjolnir, Storm Breaker or both weapons)
-Animated Power selection HUD with attacks preview in center
-HUD to select melee mode (enabled for controller only by default)
-Enemy, Ally and Killer feature
-8 Special attacks


Thor script by JulioNIB
ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
Title image by NaWa

GTA 5 Secret Box (Lucky box) script mod

This is a simple mod requested by Skorpion Gamer that lets you spawn some secret/lucky boxes that brings random surprises like all game weapons, turn you into a animal, rocket bicycle, game vehicles, shoot rockets at you lol, and other crazy things.

If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:



This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here

-Install the script:"1-SecretBox.oiv"
-Install the props package: "2.0-Boxes setup (Add method).oiv"
Case the added props doesn't works in game, install the replace props package: "2.1-Boxes setup (Replace props).oiv"

Case your game crash at loading story mode, you need to apply this FIX for added peds/props:

Don't forget to install the NIBShDotNet plugin



Ctrl + N - Show mods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu


Ctrl+One - Spawn small box
Ctrl+Two - Spawn small box with custom face
Ctrl+Three - Spawn medium box
Ctrl+Four - Spawn big box
Ctrl+Nine to start a secret box "rain"

Obs.: The numbers mentioned are the normal ones, not the Numpad ones.

Shoot the boxes to break them and reveal the surprise

You can edit the hotkeys using the mod Controls menu in the mod Options

Explore the mod Options menu, there is few customization options there

Customizing the Box Faces

After installing the mod, to edit the textures, in OpenIV with Edit Mode On, go to:


Then double click the YTD files of the boxes and replace the textures you wish, then click in Save.
I recommend using 512x512 images to avoid issues.

The YTD files are:

(For added props)
secret_box_small.ytd (Small Box, this one only have one face type)
secret_box_small_face.ytd (Small Box with 3 face types)
secret_box_med.ytd (Medium Box  with 3 face types)
secret_box_big.ytd (Big Box with 3 face types)

(For replaced props)
prop_drug_package.ytd (Small Box, this one only have one face type)
prop_mp_drug_pack_blue.ytd (Small Box with 3 face types)
prop_drug_package_02.ytd (Medium Box  with 3 face types)
prop_mp_drug_package.ytd (Big Box with 3 face types)


Script by JulioNIB
Requested by Skorpion Gamer
ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade

GTA 5 HULK v3 script mod

# WIP post #



If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Installation:  Check this post
This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here

You NEED ScripthookVDotNet v2.10.9 installed and working to run my mods ;)



Ctrl + N - Show mods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu





ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire


GTA 5 Gangs Attack script mod (Beta)

# WIP post #



If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Installation:  Check this post
This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here

You NEED ScripthookVDotNet v2.10.9 installed and working to run my mods ;)



Ctrl + N - Show mods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu





ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire


GTA 5 Coffin Dance meme mod

# WIP post #



If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Installation:  Check this post
This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here

You NEED ScripthookVDotNet v2.10.9 installed and working to run my mods ;)



Ctrl + N - Show mods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu





ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire


GTA 5 Covid-19 invasion

# WIP post #



If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Installation:  Check this post
This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here

You NEED ScripthookVDotNet v2.10.9 installed and working to run my mods ;)



Ctrl + N - Show mods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu





ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire


GTA 5 Ironman Endgame

# WIP post #

This is a new version of my Ironman script mod, the Endgame version (or v3), with powers and features inspired in recent movies.


If you want make videos/streams of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:



This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here

You NEED NIBSHDotNet installed and working to run my mods ;)



Ctrl + N - Show mods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right (also numpads 2, 4, 6 and 8) - Navigate
Enter/Numpad5 - Select item
Numpad0/Backspace - Previous menu/Close menu

In controller:

Hold DPad Left and press X to show the NIBMods menu

Up/Down/Left/Right - Navigate
A (Sprint) - Select item
B - Previous menu/Close menu





ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire


GTA 5 JulioNIB mods setup guide (.OIV files)

This is a general guide showing how to setup OpenIV and how to install .OIV packages of my mods.

Step 1 - Setting up OpenIV (one time setup commonly)
  • First download OpenIV here and install it
  • Run it and click in the game that you want to mod (GTA 5 in this case)
  • It will ask the game folder, for GTA 5 it's commonly located in:
Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V
Rockstar Launcher: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V
Epic: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GTAV

  • After finishing the setup, click in "Tools" and then in "ASI Manager"
  • In the ASI Manager click to install "ASI Loader" and "OpenIV.ASI"
  • Done, close OpenIV.

Step 2 - Install the .OIV packages

*Always check the readme or blog post of the mod, it will tell which packages you should install from the zip.

**Some of my mods uses added props, you must install this plugin to have added props working, setup process its simple and its described in the Readme.txt file :)

-First thing to do is close any OpenIV that is already open to avoid corrupted files issue. Also close the game :)
-Extract all files from the ZIP file (use winzipwinrar or even windows explorer)
-Execute OpenIV, choose "Grand Theft Auto V" (Windows) when it asks for the game

-Click in "Tools" and then click in "Package Installer"

-Select the .OIV package file you extracted before and click in "Open"

-Read the text that will appear in the package setup window, you may find important info there
-Click in "Install"

-It will ask the location to install, if "mods" folder option is enabled, click it, otherwise click in "Game folder" option

-In the next window it asks to Confirm installation, click in Install*

-Now OpenIV will start the installation process, depending on which files OpenIV will have to copy to mods folder, the process can take some minutes, its very important that you never interrupt this process to avoid corrupting game files
-If everything goes well it will show "Installation succeeded", now you can click in Close to finish.

Step 3 - Install NIBSHDotNet and NIBMods Menu
 (one time setup commonly)

To run my mods, you must install NIBSHDotNet plugin and my NIBMods Menu, its very simple, they come in .OIV packages, so, its basically same thing we did to install the script package in previous steps :)

Extract all files and install the file "Setup package.oiv" using OpenIV Package Installer

Step 4 - Install ScripthookV (one time setup commonly)

ScripthookV is the base plugin you need to run my mods, this is how you install it:

-Download ScripthookV in this page

-Extract all the files to a folder
-Open the folder "bin" and copy all the files to your GTA 5 folder

-The GTA 5 folder will depend on your game setup, its commonly at:

Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V
Rockstar Launcher: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V
Epic: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GTAV


This is how your game folder may look with the ScripthookV files installed:

In game, after loading the game and with the player character on screen, press Ctrl+N to show the NIBMods Menu, then select the mod you installed to see his menu and use the mod. Case the mod doesn't appear in the NIBMods Menu, try reloading the game, if still doesn't appear, make sure you installed the script mod correctly, it should have a .ndll file in GTA 5 Scripts folder, example of Thor script mod file in the Scripts folder:

Step 5 - Adding suits

My mods doesn't includes ped models (suits), only in few cases, so, after installing the script that brings the powers you probably want to install a ped model to use the powers, this guide shows how to install peds in a very easy way:

Playing Online mode after installing mods

To play Online again you must remove the ASI Loader (dinput8.dll file from ScripthookV plugin), this will disable any mod (that depends on ScripthookV) and will make game load original files (that are outside mods folder), check this post for more info.
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