Friday, August 30, 2024

JulioNIB Mods Help - Other issues

Missing Sound effects

Due to unknow issues in your windows and or codecs, your game can't use the default sound play method to play the mod external sound files, this result in no sounds for attacks and other features of the mod, the solution it's try to change the "Play Sound method" in the mod Options menu or in the mod main .ini file. To test you should reload scripts pressing the Insert keyboard button or load a saved game.

In the mod Options menu ðŸ‘†

In the mod main .ini file ðŸ‘†

Case you are editing the .ini file, those are the possible values to use:

Simple = 0
Soundplayer = 1 ðŸ‘ˆ this is the default one for actual mods
Directsound = 2
nAudio = 3

Don't forget to save the file.

Black triangle on screen

This issue may happen in older mods when you hide the game Radar, disabling the mod HUD or bringing back the Radar would solve the issue.

Blinking black textures glitch

This is a annoying issue without a know fix yet, it may happen for few users in mods like Flash and Superman, due to the trail FX that are created when you move fast running or flying, mainly when close to game water. The temporary solution it's use the mod Options or Suit Config to reduce or disable the Trail FX.

In Superman V2 Suit Config 👆

In Flash mod Options menu ðŸ‘†

Sunday, August 25, 2024

JulioNIB Mods help - Game crash issues

Game Crash when loading Story Mode

This is the most common game crash issue, it mainly happens when you add peds to game, the solution its apply this FIX, case game still crash you can remove added peds by removing their lines from dlclist.xml file:

Using OpenIV enable "Edit Mode" and navigate to "mods\update\update.rpf\common\data", right click the dlclist.xml file and click in Edit

Navigate to the end of the file and you will see the latest added peds entries, remove the lines related to the peds you want remove, keep the ending lines, they are very important, save the file:

In this example i removed the following peds lines:


How to discover which ped lines to remove

Each time you install a added ped using a .OIV generated with my tool to add peds, the ped lines will be added in the end of dlclist.xml file, case you don't know the exact name, you can open the .OIV file using winrar or winzip, then open the file assemxly.xml with a text editor (or even a Web Browser) and see the part where it adds the lines to dlclist;xml file:


Game still crashing when loading story mode?

If even after removing added peds game still crash, issue it's probably worst, rename "mods" folder to "modsss" to disable mods folder and load game with his original RPF files, if game loads fine, apply the gameconfig.xml part of the added peds FIX and start adding peds again, it's interesting load the game after each thing you install or change to make sure game still works.

Game Crash BEFORE loading story mode

This is a more rare issue, commonly related to .ASI scripts in main game folder, i recommend disabling the ASI Loader (removing the dinput8.dll file from main game folder) to test. Case game loads fine, you can put back the ASI Loader and then move all .ASI files to somewhere outside game folder and start adding back one by one testing game each time to discover the guilty one.

Game Crash even without ASI Loader

Case game still crashes even without the ASI Loader file, the issue it's probably related to RPF files you changed outside Mods folder structure, use your game launcher to "Verify game files integrity" and restore possible modded files. If game still crash after this, probably your "User profile" files are corrupted, you should remove them from their folder to make game start new ones, they are located in:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles

"%USERNAME%" its your windows user name

Game crash after game update

Case your game started crashing after game update, you probably have issues with the old update.rpf file inside your mods folder, check this guide.

Script crash

Script crash it's a more rare issue, it may happen when:

-Antivirus blocks the script actions like checking Patreon login or writing .ini files

The solution in this case it's add the script .ndll file and the game GTA5.exe file in the "White list" of your antivirus software, each antivirus may have this feature somewhere, search on google to find out where ;)

-Issues in .ini files

If you set a too high number in a variable you may get errors loading that variable, this can result in script crashing or other issues when enabling powers, the solution it's find out which change you made and set a lower value. You also can delete the line of the variable to make the script write a new line with default value next time it loads. 

Other possible solution it's delete the mod main .ini file located in the mod files folder inside gta Scripts folder, next time the script loads it will write default values in the main .ini file.

Main .ini file example

JulioNIB Mods help - Settings in .INI files and mod files

Some notes:

1 - This only applies to my mods, mainly GTA 5 ones (or later gta) and RDR2.

2 - Each mod have a folder inside gta Scripts folder, in this folder and subfolders you will find .ini files to configure the mod, images, sounds, etc..

3 - Some variables/options doesn't exists in older mods.

4 - After making changes in .ini files you must save the file and reload scripts in game pressing Insert button or loading a saved game (case game it's already running).

5 - More recent mods have a Suit Config menu in game where you can edit almost all settings that you find in suit .ini files.

6 - To edit .ini files you can use a simple text editor like Notepad that goes with windows or Notepad++

7 - Some of my mods menus have a Filter option in the top, there you can filter the items that will appear in the menu to help find what you want :)

8 - Some changes in .ini files can result in script crash, to restore a value that you edited in suit .ini file, delete the line of the variable, the script will set default value for that variable on next load. If it's the script main .ini file you can delete or rename it to make the script generate a new one with default values.

As a example i will use Superman V2 (or later) suit .ini files, they are located in "{GTA folder}\Scripts\Superman V2 script files\Suits" ("{GTA folder}" it's where your game it's installed).

-Hit force coefficient

The mod can have one or more variables related to hit force coefficient, this variable multiplies the force of the attack, making the target move more or less after being hit. Some examples:


-Max Health

We commonly have two variables of this kind, one for player and other for AI (Enemies, allies and killers), this variable sets the amount of life that the entity will have when receiving the powers, don't use more than 65000, game may fail to apply this value resulting in low health. In superman and big part of my mods we have those two:


-Damage and Damage Coef

The damage variables will determine how much damage the attack (or stage of attack) will apply to the victim. The Damage Coef variables will determine a multiplier for the damage:



-HUD or images

Some mods have a option in his mod Options menu (or even in Suit Config) to disable or hide the HUD, case the mod doesn't have, you can try deleting the image files from the mod Images folder, reload scripts or load a saved game to see the changes. Some indicators for target can't be hidden this way.

You also can edit the images in Images folder and customize them the way you want, just keep the same size or aspect ratio to avoid size or shape issues in the images.

Some mods have a imagesFolder variable in suit .ini files, this variable it's used to determine the name of the Images folder used by that suit, this way you can make a copy of a Images folder, rename it and change the images inside it to have a new set of images to use with determined suits :)


The mods may have a Sounds folder (or even sound files in the mod files folder) that you can delete or replace, case you want replace, keep same format, commonly its WAVE format.

Some mods have a soundsFolder variable in suit .ini files, this variable it's used to determine the name of the Sounds folder used by that suit, this way you can make a copy of a Sounds folder, rename it and change the sounds inside it to have a new set of sounds to use with determined suits :)

-Setting a determined drawable variation (Clothes combination , depends on ped model)

The mods may have sections that determined component drawable variations to set in the ped model when toggle powers ON, example of a default one (disabled):

[compvar_1] - Sets the first variation settings
component=  - Sets the component that will be changed, check list bellow
variation=0 - Sets the variation index
textureIndex=0 - Sets the texture variation index

List of ped components:

        Head = 0
        Beard = 1
        Hair = 2
        Torso = 3
        Legs = 4
        Hands = 5
        Foot = 6
        Accessories1 = 8
        Accessories2 = 9
        Decals = 10
        AuxiliaryTorso = 11

For example, to make the script change the Head component variation to 1, we would do like this:


We can have more definitions increasing the "compvar_" for the next ones:


Other settings in suit .ini files

There is lot of different customizations that a mod can have related to speed, flight, jump, particle effects, ragdoll settings, etc., explore the suit .ini file or Suit Config and have fun :)
Some examples from Superman V2:

bSetDefaultComponentVariationB=True - When True the script will set default clothes combination (Drawables) for the ped model when toggling powers On

movement_clipset and movementClipset - Variables with those words will set the movement clipset (move animations) for determined situations

airTrailName=air_trail - Sets the name of the FX used in air trail
airTrailDictName=nibfx_super - Sets the dictionary of the FX used in air trail
airTrailSize=1 - Sets the air trail FX size coefficient
airTrailColor_R, airTrailColor_G and airTrailColor_B - Sets the RGB color value from 0 to 255 of the air trail FX, but not all effects have color customization

bBigMass=True - Sets if the entity will damage and move things that collide against it

baseSprintSpeed=20 - Sets the basic or initial sprint speed

jumpZSpeed=50 - Sets the Jump up initial velocity

JulioNIB Mods help

General modding help:

In this post you will find help related to:

-Scripts setup
-Ped models setup
-NIBMods menu not loading
-Patreon login

and other things.

Game crashes and script crashes:

Settings and other files:

Superman V2.1: (Still creating this guide)

-Customizing Lasers and Glowing Eyes (Color, shape, textures)
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